Welcome to gorillaxyz!

my name is Pippa and this is my website. i hope to include a lot of things on it!!

some such things i aim to include are...

  • essays written for school
  • essays written for fun
  • transcripts of radio shows that have yet to be transcribed!
  • obviously, my main focus at the moment is school so school essays are of the utmost prioity! in my free time however i do work on transcribing but it is a long, long process so it'll take me a while to get anything out for that yet! its still very important to me, though.

    alan gordon partridge

    credit for favicon here!

    Here's how you can make bold and italic text. Here's how you can add an image: Here's how to make a list:
  • First thing
  • Second thing
  • Third thing
  • To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!